The unique natural setting in which San Martín de los Andes is located offers a wide range of possibilities for visitors. Right next to Lanín National Park, the surroundings of the city provide all the natural resources you need to enjoy nature, adding some extra value to this top tourist destination.
Millennial forests, glacial lakes, beaches, crystal-clear water streams, fresh air, flowers, birds, volcanoes, waterfalls and starlit skies are part of the overwhelming scenery our Patagonian Nature proudly displays, where enjoyment and surprise will be an essential part of your unforgettable holidays.
Various tourist circuits allow visitors to come close to a live postcard of Paradise on Earth: the Seven Lakes Road, Huechulafquen Lake and the Lanín volcano, Chapelco winter and summer resort, hidden lakes like Queñi and Filo Hua Hum, solidified lava rivers like El Escorial, hot springs at Lahuen Co, volcanic beaches...

Lácar Area
The city of San Martín de los Andes and Lanín National Park Headquarters are the starting point for every activity, concentrating most services. This includes beaches like Catritre, Quila Quina, Yuco and Nonthue, Lake Lácar, the Valdivian Jungle at Chachín waterfall, lake Queñi and Chapelco winter and summer resort.

Lanín Area
Milennial Araucarias and the impressive Lanín volcano standing 3776 mts (12,388.5 ft) above sea level dominate the picture. With the city of Junín de los Andes as the main services spot in the area, the tourist circuits include Tromen Lake (starting point for hiking and climbing up the Lanín volcano), and Lakes Huechulafquen, Epulafquen and Paimún.

Lolog Area
This area shows the most recent volcanic activity in the area, starting at El Escorial, 400 year old solidified lava river, to the Epulafquen hot springs. The main circuit connects Playa Bonita beach and Lolog Lake, with the magnificent Curruhue Grande and Curruhue Chico Lakes.

Seven Lakes Area
Connecting the city of San Martín de los Andes with other cities in the region such as Villa La Angostura and Villa Traful, the Seven Lakes Road is the main tourist corridor in Argentine Patagonia. This amazing succession of forests, lakes, mountains and viewpoints brings together three different protected areas driving barely over a hundred kilometers (aprox. 70 mi): Lanín, Nahuel Huapí and Los Arrayanes National Parks.

Córdoba Pass Area
This is one of the most interesting tourist circuits in the region, where Lakes Meliquina and Filo Hua Hum play the leading roles. Fast-flowing white rivers like Caleufu, small native communities like Casa de Piedra together with the Limay and Traful rivers confluence running through the foothills of Valle Encantado (the Enchanted Valley)… These are just some of the numerous attractions in the area.

Comprende el casco urbano de la ciudad y su zona de influencia. Lentamente pero sin pausas, el crecimiento poblacional local empuja la urbanización hacia las afueras, en dirección hacia Junín de los Andes, ocupando las áreas conocidas como Vegas. Los atractivos van desde la concentración de servicios que ofrece la ciudad en su centro comercial, hasta las opciones de agroturismo.

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