30/03/2025 19:48
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Horseback_Riding: Pampa los RadalesSports and Adventure

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Pampa los Radales

Horseback riding in forests, crossing mountain streams and rivers, you can have access to panoramic views of the whole Chapelco chain of hills.

Duration: A few hours

Distance: 10 kms

Description tour: Pampa los Radales


This is a short ride, two or three hours long.

Taking as the starting point the area of La Vega, the ride continues down the path which is located behind the Park Ranger's house in Bandurrias hill.

The path goes across the forest of Oak trees along Arroyo Culrani (Culrani Stream), going past a beautiful cascade. The way is simple, until you reach the so-called "Pampa de los Radales" or " Rincón de Lema" (Lema Corner), a spectacular corner located behind Curruhinca hill, with an amazing view of Chapelco mountain.

The return is straight down Casa de piedra (Stone House), the path crosses the road to Lolog Lake and the urbanization known as Alihuén, from where you can appreciate the urban growth of the city along the valley.

Content manager: Secretaría de Turismo
Office: Secretaría de Turismo - Av. San Martín y Juan Manuel de Rosas
Opening hours: 7:00hs a 14:00hs
Phone: 02972-425500

Municipality of San Martín de los Andes

Teléfono +54 (2972) 427 315 | +54 (2972) 428 795

Gral. Roca y Juan Manuel de Rosas

Ministry of Tourism

Phone 0800 345 1975 int 307 y 308 - +54 (2972) 427315 int 307 y 308

Av. San Martín y Juan Manuel de Rosas

(8370) - San Martín de los Andes - Provincia del Neuquén - Patagonia - Argentina