A spectacular tour across the slope of an extinct volcano, among Lenga trees, Cañales and with spectacular panoramic views.
Duration: One day
Distance: 10 kms
Enabled: Summer, Autumn, Spring
Description tour: Cerro Colorado
This is a challenging ride, since it starts in the morning and it finishes ten hours later. The Cerro Colorado, very visited by hiking enthusiasts, is actually an extinct volcano that is located about ten kilometres from the city, on part of the Argentine Army's lands.
With its characteristic reddish summit, it offers a spectacular view of the entire area, including the valley of Lácar Lake on one side, and Lolog Lake on the other.
The path goes along a forest of Lenga trees, and in summer the greatest spectacle of the ride is the one that Amancay flowers offer, with its distinguished orange color, forming a carpet of vegetation between the trees.
The way up is not steep, but permanent. The horses place their hooves on the narrow path, gaining altitude, until reaching the red stones from the summit. This is the ideal time to rest and a delight to the eye with exceptional panoramic views of the Patagonian landscape.

Office: Secretaría de Turismo - Av. San Martín y Juan Manuel de Rosas
Opening hours: 7:00hs a 14:00hs
Phone: 02972-425500